Perfume with pheromones: traveler, myth or reality, how do they work

Different odors accompany the person throughout life. Man or woman, there is your own flavor. Some of it is elusive and not felt, and the individual people stand out from the crowd due to its odor. Scientists have long identified, is not only the color of the skin, eyes and hair distinguishes humans from each other. In perfumery, the cosmetics of the TWENTIETH century, there emerged a new trend - perfumes with pheromones. They have proliferated. For what they need - a perfume with pheromones? Let's see if I understand.

What is this?

stimulation tool for men and women

Pheromones - an extensive group of chemical compounds that have the ability to influence the endocrine reaction of the body. These ingredients cause in people of the opposite sex reaction associated with the population. The pheromones have the opportunity to perform in all types of processes: they lead to feelings, emotions, and physiological state.

Are known two types of pheromones: organic and synthetic. Organic are produced in a special human by the glands are obtained from plants. Synthetic and produced in laboratories.

Organic include:

  • Androstenone. It is produced mainly in men, making to see in him a representative of the stronger sex, able to multiply.
  • The most powerful female scent. The female pheromone, which increases men's sexual desire.
  • The more powerful masculine scent. Produced in both women and men, propitious for the emergence of feelings of a young and strong man, the better instance for playback.
  • Androstadienone. Pheromone is inherent in men, is able to lift your mood and bring a smile.
  • Androsterone. Refers to the men of the pheromones, which induce the women a sense of security.

Pheromones synthetic:

  1. Pheromone, which reinforces the sexual attraction.
  2. Pheromone, which is able to increase the activity of the men.

Mainly in perfumes components are present, synthetic, reinforced by the action of plants and animals aphrodisiacs.

What you need to know about pheromones?

On these substances, it is known the following:

  • 10% of men stands out the scent of androsterone, which explains your success with women.
  • The tools for fixing the hair block the action of similar substances, located in the curls.
  • The alcohol destroys pheromones, therefore, of perfumes and aphrodisiacs on the alcohol does not exist.
  • Substances easily destroyed through the sweat and hardly penetrate through the clothing.

No idea about the features of pheromones, you can delete situations related to their preservation.

As a work perfume with pheromones?

Perfume with the same scent has a huge popularity, despite the fact that the action of substances up to the end is not studied and left a lot of puzzles and mysteries. Scientists still study the influence of the spirits with pheromones.

In the human body this smell recognizes the Jacobson's organ, which is recently discovered. Originally expected, which only exists between the animals. The organ is located in the nasopharynx and is a receiver the smell of a certain type. The influence of pheromone is not aroma and the signal that arrives to the brain in a special channel.

The own substances do not have a strong smell, but your sense of the people without major problems. The efficiency of the pheromone is manifested only by close contact.

The opinions, perfumes with pheromone affect people in a special way. Particular answer to these fragrances there is. The person who received the sign of the attractiveness of the representative of the opposite sex, necessarily, to manifest attention, and, unconsciously, want to contact for this.

How are manufactured the spirits?


The first scent created in the united states in the decade of the 90s of the last century. From this moment begins the production of similar means, in which have added a large number of powerful chemical compounds. There are perfumes with pheromones for men and women.

Fully decipher the impact on the body of the pheromone and its composition was not possible, despite the development of science. The substance was so unique and complex, that they repeat it in the original was not able to nor one of the scientists.

The opinions, perfumes with pheromone is produced in a special way. Currently, based come pork the breast, because it is the animal closest to man in terms of anatomy. The breast of an animal, handle and adds it to the perfume. When the original version of such perfumes made in active research, which have been forwarded to the transformation of women into a model.

The men began to mark, what has changed the attitude with which the girls get along better, and got better contact voice and eyes, but a sincere affection, has not been noticed. Currently, are manufactured by many females of perfume with pheromones.

If you use this perfume constantly, the result may be of interest is not the man or the woman, and more people outside. Use these perfume need of care.

Features of the perfume for the girl

What attributes have feminine perfume with pheromones? Such perfumes contain substances that are able to attract male attention. This sex hormones, which on a subconscious level, which help the person to choose his soul mate. The pheromones in the area of the armpits and nasolabial trough. Corresponding to the receivers pick up the smallest scent.

Studies have confirmed that a few drops of perfume enough to feel the effect, and a woman could become attractive to men.

When you use the perfume girls and increases the attraction, and increases the chance to stand out from the crowd of beauties. Although the perfume is not a panacea for the complex relationship of men and women. And as the girl have increased attention fully dependent on it.

Features of the perfume for men

For the strong half of mankind are also produced perfume with pheromones. The main component of the scent is a precursor, which is able to attract the attention of women to its possessor.

The impact of a perfume with pheromone for men? In some cases, the woman does not fully understand the reason for the libido, although this happens in almost 90% of the cases. Pheromones enable you to find a woman who's physiologically going to approach this man. Thanks to perfume, there is a real opportunity to find your soul mate. After all, finding themselves surrounded by a crowd of women, the man can feel relaxed and confident.

That perfume with pheromones to choose?

As has only become known in respect of such substances, many of perfumery, the company began to promote this production. Fragrances of different perfumes, so any person choose the perfume of your preference. When you buy a perfume, necessarily, to read your content in the box. Perfume should not be the alcohol, destroy the volatile compounds and pheromones.

What is the composition best perfumes with pheromones? You must choose a song, in which it is present, and musk. This ingredient is extracted from the finished product to the animal reproduction and has a strong effect in attracting the opposite sex.

It is general knowledge, the receipt and distribution of large volumes of human pheromone is prohibited by law. This can cause a person has the mental illness of a sexual nature.

which perfume to choose

Pheromones or aphrodisiacs of vegetable origin have a greater security for the man. Such substances add in almost all modern perfume. You must choose the perfume which is present the greater number, or a variety of similar components. The pheromones of plant origin, are related to:

  • musk;
  • patchouli;
  • ylang-ylang;
  • ginger;
  • cumin seeds.

To choose the perfume must remain in the flavor, which will appeal most to the holder of the spirits. Otherwise, the person can close in on yourself, and your natural pheromones will also not be able to stand out.

When the choice of perfume, you should get advice from a salesperson about the origin of the components of the perfume and not buy them, if they do with the animals of pheromones, which may have a partner of great impact in the form of dependency.

A perfume with pheromones no smell

There are spirits which lack completely the taste. However, the pheromones a person feels at a molecular level, and they blend in with the natural perfume of your body. Such spirits, and can be combined with the routine of perfumery products. In such a case, the person will perspire your own smell.

How to use a perfume with pheromones?

Exposure time scent short - it is only 6 to 8 hours. According to the opinions, perfumes with pheromone, you must apply correctly:

  • This is best done in open areas of the skin, which is close to the blood vessels. Optimal areas of application - apples of the face, the wrist, the inner surface of the elbow fold, and the lobe of the ear.
  • The body must be clean.
  • Before the application do not need to use lotions, creams or deodorants.
  • When you use enough for just two drops.
  • Apply a perfume with pheromone is necessary in rare cases.
  • To not hinder the perception of such substances, it is best to wear clothes of natural fabrics, which ignores the natural aroma of the body.

When the application of such recommendations efficiency perfume with pheromones, increase your holder will give its own flavor.

The application of resources of the perfume

When you use a perfume with pheromone, according to the feedback of the buyers, you should consider some points:

  1. Fragrance exerts its influence only in the opposite sex, that are in the vicinity. After all, pheromones unstable substance, and, therefore, quickly disintegrating in the air.
  2. The person who received the signal, indication, because of modesty or uncertainty, may not have signs of attention.
  3. The spirits have the ability to attract the opposite sex, but was the man to them is not under power.
  4. The same scent, you can't use without thinking. Sometimes, your application could lead to negative consequences, if in the vicinity is drunk or inadequate of a man.

Similar to a perfume, you must properly use, considering the previous recommendations.

Perfumes with pheromones - myth or reality?

tools for the operations

Once we have learned what may be called the pheromone and its effects on the body, it can be inferred that such perfumes in their pure form, does not exist. After all, the acquisition of such spirits is forbidden by law. You can purchase the perfume with plants, aphrodisiacs, and call the attention of the opposite sex. To subdue the will of man can not be. You can take advantage of natural forms of seduction, as the smile and the sparkle in her eyes. Such methods are safer and more effective pheromones.